Saturday, July 20, 2024

More than Twenty

Twenty false claims all in one speech
Call them lies if you like
Donald Trump stated at least that many
And for that would should tell him to hike

It was the Republican National Convention
He spoke for an hour and a half
And for Donald Trump that's plenty of time
To say things that will make you laugh

Record inflation under Joe Biden?
Let's see, it was 3 percent in June
And the all-time record is 23 percent
That's really quite a big balloon

Trump repeats his lies over and over
And people just accept that they're true
But remember the story of Pinocchio
The guy whose nose just grew and grew

Trump said Biden wants to raise taxes
So they are four times what they are now
But Biden has never suggested or indicated that
So Trump, for that lie you can take a bow

And on and on throughout the night
Trump added lie after lie
And his listeners simply swallowed all that he said
More than 20 falsehoods before he said goodbye

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