Friday, November 29, 2024

 Devils Warn of Devils

Devils warn of devils in skies where angels fly
Those who are only good, they tell you are very bad
You find a classy person who they declassify

The devil would turn you away 
From a heart that's good
He always gets it wrong
Let that be understood
Put that Thought to Bed

Always question authority
That's what they always said
But when Trump was elected
They put that thought to bed

Trust him and believe him
His words are always true 
Never question Donald Trump
That's not the thing to do 

I'm an Anti

I guess I'm an anti
For I oppose Donald Trump 
I'd like to tap him on the head
Give him quite a thump 

 His Devious Plot

The darkest shadows
Hang over all our land
Trump has been elected
Him and all his band

The heart of our nation
Has taken a shot
Trump has taken over
With his devious plot

 Bringing the Worst Present

Christmas is coming
All across the land
Bringing the worst present
Though some think he's grand

The present is wrapped with ribbons
And topped with a bow
Donald Trump's inside
Now, that's a low blow

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Life in the Congo

Life in the Congo
Life in the mines
They are such humble workers
None ever whines

Day in and day out
They do their work without complaint
And that should prove to us
That each one's a saint


 Dirty Word

I guess I get Thanksgiving and Christmas mixed up
Which are we having now?
Thanksgiving, comes the reply
That's when we give Donald Trump a bow

Thanksgiving was made for Donald Trump, I'm told
And we should be thankful for him
Then, Thanksgiving's a dirty word
Even dirtier than is sin

 The Demise of a Nation

The demise of a nation
The demise of the free
It's a movement that started
With the party of tea

The insurgents have conquered
Every part of the city
And freedom is lost
It seems such a pity
Land of the Loonies

Land of the loonies
Is what we are now
Hair brains and lame brains
But don't have a cow

The sane will escape prisons
They'll regain command
And freedom again
Will be had in our land 

 Dead on Arrival

It seems we've reached the endline
Democracy is no more
In a war for the hearts of men
A dictator has won the war

He'll silence many
They won't be few
Democracy will be dead on arrival
By the time he's through

 All Across the Country

Who are we?
And who have we become?
A nation of loonies
A nation of bums

The insane are running the asylum
The insane have taken charge
All across the country
The crazies are running at large

Coo-coos, Wackos and Clowns

Coo-coos, wackos and clowns
Are now running our land
The sane are no longer in charge  
The crazies have seized command

One of them here, one of them there
Trump plants them everywhere
It's as if the nation is stuck in Halloween
So great is the terribile scare

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Words of Warning

Words of warning were not enough
Words of care and concern
Now we must go forward
Backwards we cannot turn

Is there yet a light?
Is there yet a path
Is there a way 
To escape the wrath?

Can our nation heal from this deadly wound?
Can it heal from what's been done? 
We are lost in darkness
So, now let us find the sun 

Monday, November 25, 2024

They will Pay the Price

The poor will pay the price
You know, in fact, they will
If America is to become great again
It's they who must fill the till

Trump doesn't want them
I say they gotta stay
Our economy will only suffer
If we chase them all away

Like nobody else
These are the working class
But they can't do their job
If we make them outcasts 

 Sad, Sad Song

There was this election in our land
One that went oh-so wrong 
And we were all left singing
This our sad, sad song

Sunday, November 24, 2024

His Heart is Cold

His hands are cold
As he reaches for the gun
His heart is cold
The act will soon be done

Elected to be the assassin
Of a nation proud
He now pulls the trigger
On his admiring crowd

 Donald has the Two of Them

They could pull it off
Donald's two fine boys
If they mess around enough
They just might come up with brand new toys

One would be a rocket ship
Musk is good at that
The other would be a torpedo
To get rid of government fat

Yes, Donald has the two of them
They are such fine young men
And when they fix the budget
Donald's going to grin

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Someone She Won't Keep

Maybe the baby cried
It gets so dark and lonely
Living in a mother's inside

Does the mother even want you?
Does she even care?
I think she wants to abort you
She thinks that that is fair

Living on Mom's inside 
That's where you get your sleep
But it sure is sad
You're someone she won't keep 
Musk Just Eats It Up

Ramaswamy makes salami 
And Musk just eats it up
They are the cutest couple
And call each other buttercup

Ramaswamy swims a lot
And Musk dives deep with him
And all their plans for efficiency
Are foolish, if not grim 
Ramaswamy and Musk

Ramaswamy has it backwards
And Musk joins him in the tomfoolery
They think to accomplish something
With which the voters would never agree

A chicken in every pot?
That used to be the chime 
And politicians still are promising that
Right down unto this time

But Musk comes along
And Ramaswamy joins with him
They're taking everything out of the kettle
It's no longer filled right to the brim

The chicken's out
Folks can go hungry
The gravy train is over
Now, don't get so hot and angry 

Friday, November 22, 2024

Praying Becomes a Mask

Praying sometimes becomes a mask
To excuse for who we vote
"God told me to vote for this one"
Is often what we float

And, then on the other side
There's a person who prayed to God
And was told to vote for the opposite candidate
He swears by Aaron's rod

Methinks they both can be mistaken
God didn't speak at all
They already knew who they wanted
So, God failed to speak to them at all 
Many Prayed

Many prayed before they voted
Some for Trump, some for Harris
And some when they voted, they felt embarrassed

When your vote does not match your standards
When it's blinded from the light
You might become ashamed
For not doing what is right

Still, bless us everyone
Regardless who got our vote
That we tried to do what's right
Should surely be of note 
Some Read the Scriptures

Some read the scriptures
Before deciding which way to vote
They seek guidance this way
Before jumping on a boat

Turn to the scripture that says
"When the wicked rule, the people mourn."

Turning to the scriptures
Is a way to be forewarned

So, before entering the voting booth
It's good to seek the Lord
There are words of wisdom in scriptures
So, bring God aboard


The Land of the Looney

In the land of the looney
In the land of Trump
Trouble and woe lie ahead
We were warned against him
Warned not to vote for him
But we wouldn't believe what was said

So, we've got this man who now is in command
But not in command of his senses
The things he will do and the things he has planned
Will come at our nation's expenses


Thursday, November 21, 2024

A Population that doesn't Know

"The general population doesn't know what's happening
And it doesn't even know that it doesn't know"
Credit Noam Chomsky for that saying
What has happened to our freedom
Of that we should be praying

But the people do not even know
Nor know that they don't even know
That we are at the brink of losing our freedom
We should pray lest that's where we will go 
The Party of Impunity

The Party of Impunity
The party who throws in jail
Those who oppose it
Those who don't buy what it is you sell

Those who are free-thinkers
Belong in prison, friend
And the Party of Impunity
Will bring them to their end 


Impunity is the doctrine
Of this newly elected king
The right to throw in jail 
Those who warn what the future will bring

Impunity the name of the new administration
And the name of the Republican Party
They are going to do this thing
As they party hearty 

One Man's Slogan

One man's slogan is another man's servitude
Make America Great
Comes at their expense
Great expense
Toss them in jail for opposing Trump
Prosecute them for that offense 

What is right
To Trump
Is what is right for America
Someone must pay the price
For opposing him
The Donald
So, Make America Great Again 
Lepers in the Land of the Free

These are the doomed
You would call them foreigners
Say they don't belong
But, oh, my, sister, brother
Don't you know that this is wrong?

They came to our shores
Became Americans
Or just as good
We scorned them
Asked them for their papers
Our new president
Called them prison escapers

Mass deportations
He said
These people don't belong
He would rid our shores of them
To make us great again

Lepers in the land of the free
Criminals, they are
We do not realize them
For everything they are

Mothers, brothers, sisters
Dads, as well
Lovers of America
We cannot see that
Through all of our hysteria 


Which shall I get - the guitar, the watch or the Bible?
Or shall I get all three?
The guitar is 10,000 bucks
And the other two aren't free

The watch is most expensive
It costs 100,000 dollars
The Bible is just 60
Now, how much for Trump's night crawlers?

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Spider Poem
by Rudy Fransisco

She asked me to kill the spider.
Instead, I get the most
peaceful weapons I can find.

I take a cup & a napkin,
I catch the spider, put it outside
and allow it to walk away.

If I am ever caught in the wrong place
at the wrong time, just being alive
and not bothering anyone

I hope I am greeted
with the same kind
of mercy.

Their Populace Takes a Thump

The madness of the world
Lies in Putin, Xi and Trump
Those who take their populace
And give them a thump, thump, thump

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

I Beg to Differ, Agatha

I beg to differ, Agatha Christie
For I heard that you once said
"To every problem there is a most simple solution"
Agatha, would you be referring to a revolution?

There are a lot of problems in our land
A lot across all the world
There aren't easy answers, you know
Not even where the American flag is unfurled

You think it's easy Agatha?
Easy answers, you say?
I think we'll put you in charge of solving our problems
Now, Agatha, what do you have to say? 

Monday, November 18, 2024

Eyes That Can't See

"Eyes will not see when the heart wishes them to be blind"
 Seneca the Younger once said
Was he speaking of those who voted for Trump?
To know, we'd have to bring him back from the dead

Trump supporters can't see his conviction for rape
They can't see the 90-plus indictments against him
Nor can they see he tried to overturn the election
No, in Donald Trump they can find no sin 

Eyes that cannot see?
That would be supporters of Donald Trump
The cannot see that he's a chump

 The Department Comes with a Stain

There is hypocrisy in it 
This Government Efficiency plan
Why two heads for the department?
Efficiency would just let one of them stand

And will they really crack down on contractors?
Musk is one of those
Try cutting his paycheck back
And that will be something he's sure to oppose

The department might prove a success
But the hypocrisy will remain
And the two-headed monster of Ramaswamy and Musk
Will leave on Trump's new department a stain

Sunday, November 17, 2024

America when it was Shook

The Great Earthquake of 2024
It shook America
From ocean shore to ocean shore

It shook the people
It shook the land
It shook the music
It shook the band

Never so much damage
From just one earthquake
It took America
And did shake and shake


Shadows join with shadows
All across this land
As Donald Trump is hailed
As the shadow man

Deep, and dark and deadly
The shadows are a curse
Darkness has never been as dark
Never been as worse 
Blue Skies Forgotten

America, America
We weep for you
The land of liberty
And clear blue skies
Is about to be through

For years, and decades and centuries
You've been the pillar of what's right
I wish we could have prevailed
I wish we'd won the fight 
It isn't Fair

It's the day America could have been saved
The day patriotism prevailed
But it didn't happen
The voters approved it
The dismantling of freedom
The taking of a wrecking ball to it

Never has an election day
Decimated a country so
Never has a country
Suffered such a blow

Trump carried the day
He won it fair and square
But his leaving us in shambles
Just isn't fair 

Saturday, November 16, 2024

They Take Your Tomorrows Away

Tyrants don't plague you just for today
They take your tomorrows away
Four more years it not all Trump wants
He really wants to stay
Left in the Dark

2024 marked the beginning of the nightmare
A year that left us dark in despair
It left us in the dark
And sunshine did all disappear

2024 was the election
And we elected the darkest clown
They called him the dark ghost, they did
As darkness settled across the town 
We Can't Go Back

When a tyrant comes to rule
Don't roll over
Don't be such a fool
Democracy was sacrificed
When we voted Donald in
And now we're stuck, we can't go back
And have our vote again 
A Reprimand

A reprimand is not enough
For Donald Trump, it's not
You've got to scream and yell at him
So go ahead and get hot

Look at all he's done
To tear this nation down
So, scream and yell and tell him
He's the worst around


The Watchman and the Warriors

The watchman and the warriors
Are certainly a team
The watchman shouts out a warning
And the warriors hear the scream

They bring their swords against the foe
They match them blow for blow
Then gaining the advantage
They watch the enemy turn and go

The watchman and the warriors
Are certainly a team
Together they save the land
Together, peace they bring

Friday, November 15, 2024

A River of Lies

A river of lies has led him
To become our nation's chief
White waters were there to help him
With waves beyond belief
Donald is corruption
And he rides that ship to shore
The waters are deeper and more dangerous
Than when the storm began
And the ship is shipwrecked
When it reaches the beach's sand
The waters shatter against the wall
Shattering democracy as well
The waters rise and rise again
Oh, how the water swells
Trump rides upon the seas
Like a pirate in the night
And he takes command of the ship
And no peaceful waters remain in sight

If the Forefathers could Vote

What if the forefathers were watching
And what if they each had a vote?
Would they say Donald Trump's the best?
That he's the all-time GOAT? 
Or would they say he's gotta go
And throw him off the boat

But what if they could have voted in the election
Would they have voted for this crass man
Not on your life, they wouldn't
They'd hardly be his fan
Remember, the forefathers gave us our liberty
And they would be true to that
They wouldn't vote against democracy
If we gave them a turn at bat

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Donald Trump Makes a lot of Noise

Donald Trump speaks a lot
He makes a lot of noise
But his words are not the sound of freedom
For all good girls and boys 
Not Much Hope

Right now, there's not much hope
For peace in our land
Our freedom is being taken away
By Donald Trump and his band
For Those Who Don't Meet His Taste

He dang as heck is not our savior
Dang as heck, he's not
He sends some of us to dungeons
Tells them that they can rot

Will Donald be an autocrat
Or will that not be the case
We'll just have to wait and see
How many people don't meet his taste
The Best Blood

The best blood is only spilled
Where there is a cause
And if Donald Trump takes their lives
That should give us pause

He has his enemies list
And will nothing come of it
Or will he hang them in the gallows
That's the worst that they could get

Hang them for their crime
They were not loyal to him
So, they meet their deaths
In gallows that are grim


Wednesday, November 13, 2024

A Cabinet of Clowns?

A cabinet of clowns
We can hope not
But it may be what
The election of Trump's brought

At least two of the candidates
Make your head shake
They aren't worthy of appointment
Their credentials are fake

The attorney general post
Goes to Matt Gaetz
He's been investigated for ethics
For goodness sakes

And Pete Hegseth 
For secretary of defense
Now there's a guy
With no experience

Those two lack experience
Is all we can say
But they're loyal to Trump
And that's all that matters today

Peaceful Transition 

Donald Trump says he welcomes a peaceful transition
But what is peace to him
What of his enemies list
Will there be peace for them

Will immigrants be offered peace
Mass deportations mean they won't
Trump has never showered love on them

You might think he and his people love them, but they don't 

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

 We Know Who You Are

We know who you are, we know who you are
Where have we heard that before 
Crime bosses have been known to say such things
We know where you live, and more

These are the words of our border czar
Thomas Homan made such a threat
His words are the words of a mafia boss
They're as same as you're going to get

Emily Huntington Miller

Emily was an immigrant
She came from Old Mexico
And she came to America
Where her talents began to grow

Jolly Old St. Nicholas
Lean your ear this way 
That was her greatest poem
Everyone knows it to this day

Donald Trump hates immigrants
He wants to send them packing home
I'd like to think we'd let her stay here
Where the seas are white with foam
Gently Comes Our Tyranny

Gently comes our tyranny
We fear it not all
We welcome the despot as savior
We say, this will be a ball

He laughs at us
We are such fools
We lose our freedom
When this man rule


The Hall of Infamy

The Hall of Infamy is being filled
Even as we speak
The candidates are clamoring
It's infamy they seek

One will be chief of staff
One secretary of defense
Their appetite for infamy
Is really quite immense

Monday, November 11, 2024

We'll Get Through It

Well then, let's speculate
If he'll send you and me to jail
I mean, all of us
Well, I think it's just a tale

He doesn't have the resources
Nor the time to do it
I think when all is said and done
We're going to get through it 
Little Friends and Neighbors

Little friends and neighbors
We don't mean much to him
We're just little people
And that includes you, good Jim

The large people in his life
Are the ones who help him out
People like Elon Musk
Yes, Elon without a doubt 

The rest of us are little
He doesn't care about us
And when he first sees us
He begins to cuss 

I Wish I Could Persuade You

You listened to his speech
You believed the full of it
You followed every word he said
With you, he was a hit

I wish I could persuade you
It just isn't true
Donald Trump is not very good
Maybe you'll believe me when we're through 

Maybe Things will be all Right

Maybe things won't be so bad
That's what you want to say
Maybe Donald Trump will be all right
So, why paint the sky so gray

He will not only rule with an iron hand
But with wisdom, too
He'll make friends of enemies
And they won't be few

But I won't be one of them
I won't be led astray
I know the difference between skies of blue
And ones dark and gray

Introductions are in Order

Let us introduce him to democracy
For he's a stranger to it
Never friends
Just a foe
Freedom's something
He doesn't know

So, introductions are in order
For him to meet liberty
But I don't think we could get him to shake hands
Nor allow this land to be free

New Father of Our Country

The honor given Donald Trump
He is the new father of our country
Of course, I jest; I joke
You know I don't think high of him
I still do not like this bloke

"Donald, Donald," people scream
Greatest president of all time
People love him; people praise him
But I wouldn't give him my last dime

Donald is the king
The ruler of our land
And the thing that really baffles me
Is why they think he is so grand 

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Donald will Serve the Papers

It was our divorce from democracy
The papers will be issued soon
Donald Trump will take office
On a not so sunny afternoon
And he'll chase democracy
All the way to the moon 

We are not Naive

We are not naive
We know both your past and plan
We know your ways and terror
Are the ways of battering ram
You'll take it to our freedom
To our democracy
Your denying what you're doing
Is pure hypocrisy
The Resistance 

When Trump won the election
There were soldiers willing to fight on
They marched against the oppressor
Not willing to let freedom be gone

Some in California
Where the governor sought to 'Trump-proof' his state
Some in Illinois
Where the governor said you must come through me, mate

Others across the land
Joined to defy the king
Call them the resistance
For the fought against the oppression
That Trump seeks to bring 

To Resist Donald

I joined the resistance today
Donald Trump
We oppose him
We fight to preserve the nation
Against the coming of 
Donald Trump

Ours is the chant of the patriot
Ours is the cause of the free
He reaches out
To grasp the country from us
To control
To reign

We tell him no
We tell him
We are the resistance
And our freedom is something
You cannot have

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Freedom Ended Then

The trumpy one, the thumpy one
He thumps upon the land
His feet crush down the people
And freedom no longer has a stand
They really do not realize
Freedom ended in their day
Trump now reigns supreme

Democracy's gone away 

 Beneath a Warming Sun

It's quiet in the village
As the soldiers return from war
Little feet run out to greet them
For they know not what's in store

Little feet, little feet
They waited for dad to come
And now he takes them in his arms
Beneath a warming sun

Friday, November 8, 2024

Peace Must be More than a Gesture

That which was made for healing should not be tread upon
Our nation sought for peace and Donald Trump's stomping on that was wrong
Peace must be more than a gesture, it must be honest and sincere
It's a quest that can only be found if Donald Trump isn't near
Pall Over the Land

Plants don't grow under a darkened sky
The sun must somehow come out
There's a pall over the land with Donald Trump

That rests on us with the final vote count 


Defiant in the face of death
Patriots do not surrender
They defy even Donald Trump
Though they might burn like timber

Freedom is Torn
Never more somber times
Never more tears to be spent
Freedom is torn
Liberty taken
Democracy's anchors
Have soundly been shaken

Thursday, November 7, 2024

For the Neglect of Truth, Freedom is Lost

Donald Trump won this election long before Nov. 5. He won it way back when he persuaded the people not to trust and not to listen to the main media. The loss of truth has led to the loss of freedom.  Where there is no truth, the people perish. People have turned their ears from hearing the truth. They have turned to the fables of the right-wing press. They have turned to the memes spreading falsehood. And for their neglect of the truth, freedom is lost.


We can't laugh this one off
No, not the loss of freedom
We went to the polls and elected him
Giving away our whole kingdom

No, it's he who does the laughing
As he sits upon his thrown
Our land now belongs to him
It's now been overthrown

Fools, We Are

We are a brave bunch of fools, we are
Electing a man more foolish than us
Taking our chances on our freedom being lost
Taking our chances on it being tossed

America Will Survive

America will survive
But will its freedom
Or has Trump taken that away 
The land of the free
Might no longer be free
But that it will once again
Is all that we can pray

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

We Saw Her Crying
We only had seen her laughing
Tears were never known from her
But then came a dark election
And we saw her crying in the mirror 

We Shall See

We shall see, they always said
When I warned them of Donald Trump
And so it is that we shall see
Just how much I was a grump

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Let's Pick a Wicked Leader

Let's pick a wicked leader
As wicked as we can
Let's give him rein to government
All across this land


We Turned Against Democracy

We turned against democracy
And the freedom of our land
We chose to have a ruler over us
Donald Trump was that man

The Golden Calf

The future of America
It abides a day of wrath
The people have elected him
Donald Trump is the golden calf

The Demise of America

The demise of America
Came in 2024
For with that election
Freedom was no more


Turning to Idiocracy

Two days after they turned back the time on the clock
We turned back the time on democracy
Our hands grabbed the hands of time
And turned them into idiocracy

Hold to Hope

If you would
If you could
If you think you should

Hold to hope
Hold to faith
Though our nation burns like wood


Dancing In Despair

Dancing in despair
Swaying in the night
Just a week from Halloween
This election delivers fright

Too many voters
With nine guns aimed at us all
This nation's abandoned democracy
This nation now must fall

A Cruel Demise

Tears of terror
On election night
Falling to the ground
Rivers of them
Washing out the riverbank

Hope is gone
Hate has won
Democracy's been shot point blank
In the gut
In the flank
A cruel demise
A wicked prank

Darkened Territory

We enter darkened territory
This day
His band of retribution
Seeks to impose his say

He throws in jail our patriots
Those on his enemies list
And our best workers
He hits them with his fist 


Place for Heroes

The only place for heroes
Is in our election results
For it will take them all working together
To save us from the electric bolts

Monday, November 4, 2024


Prayer of Promise

A poem of prayer
A poem of promise
A poem of hope
Of days that will calm us

Kneel in the morning
Kneel at night
There is yet hope for the future
It yet can be bright

Friday, November 1, 2024

What If?

What if  you had a county clerk -- a MAGAite -- who was decidated to the proposition of assuring that Donald Trump gets elected? Wouldn't they be quite  able to fabricate elections results -- regardless what the vote count might be?

Don't laugh. There is not a shortage of those who support Trump's being elected at all cost. Believing he should be president, they are not shy of doing all in their power to get him elected.

Including cheating. 

As I said, don't laugh. In a county in Utah, the county clerk, Aaron Davidson, is  being asked to recuse himself from overseeing the election. "Multiple people have been  reaching out to me, everyone from average citizens to city council members to state legislators to statewide office  holders, all of who are concerned about  his ability to conduct the election in an unbiased manner, " said Utah County Commissioner Amelia Powers Gardner."

Such infiltration. Just plant MAGA agents in the election offices to assure that the vote goes their way.