Tell me, again, why the only place I can buy my electricity from is Rocky Mountain Power.
I see no reason why as many companies as might want shouldn't be allowed to sell me electricity. I should be able to buy it from a wind farm, for that matter, if I should so desire.
The power lines could be government-owned, with the power from the various providers all running together in the same lines. I remember back where I grew up, on a farm near Paul, Idaho, how the irrigation water for all the farmers came down the same ditch, and it was government owned, by an entity known (I believe) as the Minidoka Irrigation District.
It was a sound system, and it worked. We each didn't need our our ditch all the way from the well. A government-owned ditch allowed everyone's water to be in the same ditch. Electricity could be the same, owned by different parties, but all moving down the same "ditch," the same electric line.
Give me choice, even if it does mean the government owns the power lines. I'm fine with that.
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