So, with school buses now rolling down the streets with advertisements on them, how about your car?
Hm, just a thought. You could sell rights to advertising on your car for, say, $100 a month -- make it $250 to doll it up real nice.
Now, some of us don't have fancy enough cars to attract advertisers. But, then again, perhaps this is a way to get a free paint job, and get paid for it. Can't beat that.
If such an idea were to come of age, it would be interesting to see how many car owners would sell ad space on their cars. Those with nice cars would probably say, "No, don't need that income and don't want you to mess up the nice paint job I already have." It might be it would be the poorer folk who end up selling ad space on their cars.
Or, perhaps the ad rates would increase for the Cadillacs and Mercedes, pulling in a few more customers. If enough sign up, our city streets would never be the same. Imagine a world in which most of the the cars were moving billboards.
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