Okay, what if there were a minimum wage? (Somewhere, actually, it seems I've heard there is one.)
One must wonder what would happen. I know I look at the economic indicators we hear about all the time and wonder but what they don't reflect the minimum wage.
Things like the trade deficit.
Now, what is this I heard on the Doug Wright Show this morning? Something about how if you threw out all the items in your home, and sought to replace them with made-in-America products, for the large part, it would be a difficult task.
Too many things are made overseas. Too many things don't even have a version of them made in America.
Now, it might be all too simplistic to blame all those jobs going overseas on the minimum wage. Surely, it is. That is, it is too simplistic to blame ALL the problem on the minimum wage. It is too simplistic to say ALL the jobs we are losing to foreign labor would be kept here in America if only we didn't have minimum wage laws.
But, it makes sense they are part of the problem. So, wake up America. You don't have to say, we should drop the minimum wage, but at least recognize the results. If we were to have cheaper labor, more of the labor could be done here in America.
We'd have more jobs to offer our people.
Now, run that up the flag pole, telling people you know how to create more jobs, and how to keep jobs in America. I'm not sure it is going to fly.
Well, anyway, we all know the flip side. We all know why we don't raise the minimum wage. We know more people in America would be roped into low-paying jobs. Instead of people in far away places such as Indonesia performing "slave labor," it would be our own people. Do we really want that?
I bid ye a night, and promise to come back with some more thoughts on this topic.
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