Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Planned Parenthood in Same Boat With Churches on Taxes

So, Planned Parenthood and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have the same problem. If they involve themselves in politics in the wrong way, they are going to lose their tax-exempt status.

Our beloved tax code says a tax-exempt organization "may intervene in political campaigns as long as its primary activity is the promotion of social welfare."

I guess arguing for or against abortion, for or against same-sex marriage, and for or against gambling all fit in the "social welfare" category.

But, if the entity endorses or opposes a candidate, they might be in trouble. Says, the same section of the tax code: "The promotion of social welfare does not include participation in political campaigns on behalf of or in opposition to any political candidate."

So, the Church of Jesus Christ cannot endorse Mitt Romney. But, what of an advertisement from the Planned Parenthood Action Committee saying, "Mitt Romney is just wrong for Women." The below link says that ad is okay. I read the link, and am still cannot tell why the ad should be considered okay.

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