Thursday, December 13, 2012

Does Fear of Socialism Keep Us from Giving Folks Work?

Does the fear of being a socialistic nation keep us from giving everyone a job? Roughly half of all Americans receive some sort of government assistance. Now, some government programs are not complete handouts. With Social Security, the money given correlates with how many years we have worked.

Still, much of the money given to the 49 percent is as free as the blowing wind.

It would be an easy thing to say, "No, we are not going to give you a free handout. You can work. You work, and we'll help you in return."

'Cept that if we make folks work, and if it is the government giving them the work, then . . . well, that is socialism.

Which is better, then, giving people free handouts, or giving them work? Why, then, do we not give them work? Sometimes I wonder if it is because to do so is socialism, and we don't want to do anything socialistic, not even if, in reality, this brand of socialism would serve us much better than the alternative, giving money to people gratis.

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