Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Turn to the Rich for Job Creation

You read two post down that I say we should just give everyone a job, and you probably respond by saying, Easier said than done. How is it, John, that you would go about getting everyone into a job?

It all brings up the question of socialism, doesn't it? Would the government provide everyone a job?

Why not this?: Why not ask private enterprise to provide the jobs? Approach the Warren Buffets and Bill Gateses and ask them if they would not be willing to create companies just for the purpose of employing those in need of employment, fully understanding those companies might operate at a loss.

Yes, I think they would provide the jobs. There are thousands of rich people in America with giving hearts, who love America and who want to help others. Yes, they would provide jobs. In many cases, these are the people who already are employers, who know how to start companies, and know how to run them. Why would we not, when we find a need to create jobs, turn to them for help? Why would they not be the very first place we look for that help?

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