The Proliferation of Guns is the Proliferation of Chance
For the same reason a lot of folks don't like a prison next to them, there's reason not to like guns.
The mere presence of the prisoners creates a danger. If one breaks out, he might just come knocking. He might want to change into clothes that are a bit less conspicous, might want to take your car, might need a hostage . . .
So it is with guns. The mere presence of guns creates a danger. They might be stolen by someone wanting to commit a crime, the teenagers might use them to commit suicide, they might tempt their owners to use them to commit a crime . . .
The proliferation of weapons is the proliferation of chance. The more that are out there, the greater the chances they will be used. No, I'm not calling for more gun regulation, but I am saying, the more guns we have, the more problems we have. And, I do wish we, of our own accord, would own fewer.
(Altered 4/8/13)
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