Leave the Prison Right Where it is
They would move our prison, you know, but I question whether they should.Do not understand the supposition that there will be a cost savings after the new prison has been up and running for awhile. Seems if one location would have advantage over another (in prison costs), it would be the the location closest to the courts, to the hospitals and to the services the prisoner depends upon. Transporting a prisoner is expensive. How is transporting him from Tooele or Delta not more expensive than transporting him from Draper? If the cost savings being spoken of are savings that come from a new facility, then update the current facility, or build a new one at the same site.
Do not follow the argument that the move will bring new jobs. It is said the moving of the prison will bring 40,000 jobs. How so? I'm assuming these new jobs are jobs that will come as the Draper site is developed. Is there something about that 690-acre site that is special above all other places we have available, that new industry should locate to the Draper site, but not to the other locations?
Do not believe the notion that moving the prison to generate $20 billion in economic benefits should be an overriding reason for moving the prison. I'm guessing a portion of that $20 billion will come as property values around the current site go up. Moving the prison should be decided on whether it will benefit the state, not whether it will line businessmen's pockets. This $20 billion, how much of it will be because of increasing property values around the Draper site? Are we saying that making those landowners a little richer is more important that having the prison located at the best site for a prison? For, I quite like it that the current prison is accessible to volunteers and family. Giving the prisoner interaction with those who will work to reform him is vital, and if we seek to reform the prisoner, not just incarcerate and punish him, then giving him these visits does make a difference. Don't place the prison away from the convenience of those volunteers who are good influences upon the prisoner.
I say we leave the prison right where it is.
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