Consider the Regnerus Study
Alas, I think I shall post on Mark Regnerus's study, anyway.
Here's my thought: The debate on same-sex attraction and marriage is at a high point, what with the Supreme Court considering the issue, as well as the Boy Scouts of America. Now, I've hardly tucked my nose into the actual debates the High Court is having, but, it does seem to me they should be considering this Regnerus study.
Not that law, itself, and specifically what the Constitution offers, should not be their concern as they make a ruling, but it does seem they should run across their minds what impact same-sex marriage has on a society. The Regnerus study is one of the most watershed of studies, if not the most. While the authors of it, themselves, say it does not make a determination of causation, from what I have read so far, it does offer insights on that question.
If same-sex marriage is of importance to our nation, the Regnerus study is very worthy of our attention. I'm told Ray Bradbury once said, "There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them."
Well, if you are concerned about a public issue, it seems worthy -- though not required -- to read what you perceive might be the most significant study on the issue. It seems almost a crime that such a study should not be read.
But, so much for reading the study tonight. I'm due for bed.
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