Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Did This Cat Stevens Tune Give Birth to America's Gun Culture?

Just when I am parading Cat Stevens / Yusuf Islam around as a man of peace, I run across this song from his early years.

"I'm gonna get me a gun.
   "And all the people who put me down
Had better get ready to run."

Catchy, it is. 

A post beneath one version of the song on YouTube suggested time must have been different back then, that a person could write a song about getting a gun and shooting anyone who "puts you down," and nobody would bat an eyelid.

Considering how catchy the song was, perhaps -- just possibly -- people back then didn't accept the song because of its lyrics. Probably not. It likely just simply failed to catch on.

If it had been popular, would this song have been a bad influence on America's psychic? I'm not sure. Maybe the fact it is sung in a jest full fashion makes it not such a bad influence.

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