"And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people." -- Revelations 13:6
The Latter-day Saints believe this scripture points right at their church. They see the angel as angel Moroni, who visited to Joseph Smith, bringing a gospel that was to be preached to every nation and people.
I am among those Latter-day Saints. I look at the scripture, see that it is speaking of the last days, and notice it speaks of the gospel coming forth from an angel, and see this matches with Joseph Smith's account. I know of no other matching event that has taken place. Yes, it could be argued that it is yet to happen. But, we are -- many would agree -- in the last days, and if we look about at what has happened and see an event that cleanly fits the prophecy, we should give it consideration, lest we be dismissing the words of a prophet. John the Revelator's words fit what has happened. If the Lord gives a prophecy, and it happens, and we live in the day that it happens and see that it has happened, will we reject the prophet?
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