What of Common Core teaching a liberal agenda? Now, if I had a kid in high school, I could question them each day on what they were learning, how it was being taught, and maybe find the liberal agenda. Maybe I should check in with some neighborhood kids to find out.
Is it legend? Is it all supposition? Or, are our schools here in Utah, as a result of Common Core, giving a liberal twist to history and all? Does this mean the textbooks all come from Common Core now? For where else would the slant be coming from if it is not found in the textbooks?
I'm told the teachers associations are behind Common Core. So, if we followed my suggestion that each teacher be given the right to choose if Common Core will be used, does that mean they generally would choose it?
I remain with yesterday's opinion. Let each teacher decide if they want Common Core. With or without that program, they are the ones teaching the class. To some degree, if they have a liberal viewpoint, there is the danger that viewpoint will make it into what they teach, regardless. And, if they have conservative viewpoints, those views are likely to reflected in what they teach even if the lesson material has a liberal twist. This will not be so with all teachers, for some will simply pass through the slant that comes in the lesson materials, but those of strong political persuasions will be likely to shape their lessons with their own viewpoints.
What if you want neither a liberal nor a conservative agenda? Encourage the teachers to be unbiased. That is an honorable aim, and actually, many a teacher will see the wisdom in it just by being asked to take that approach.
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