There is the verse in Doctrine and Covenants 49 that says, "And whoso forbiddeth to abstain from meats, that man should not eat the same, is not ordained of God." And, even in the Word of Wisdom (Section 89) it says that flesh is ordained for the use of man.
But, then comes the qualifier, then comes the part that says how much: ". . . nevertheless they are to be used sparingly." So it is, the Word of Wisdom instructs the LDS faithful to not eat too much meat.
It will be interesting to see how we, as LDS people, play today's revelation from the World Health Organization that processed meat is linked to cancer, and that red meat is also risky. I understand, the tendencies to get cancer from meat are not near so strong as they are to cigarettes.
Still, the risk is strong enough that WHO has issued its warning.
It is Section 89