Perhaps, just as the gun advocates suggest, there are times when it's best for everyone to own and pack a gun.
I'm thinking about it, but I'm not sure. I'm thinking of Jerusalem, and of all the attacks by the Palestinians. For those who know me, you know I believe in policing. I believe if crime increases, you increase the police force or hire security guards, and keep enough officers in the hot spots that you keep crime under control.
But, I think of what is happening in Jerusalem. The assailants attack, and the crime is over before the policeman at the end of the block can get there to step in to stop it. It's pretty much, pack your own gun or knife, or be the victim. And, the attacks are happening pretty much daily. Danger is in every footstep. And, some Israelis are defending themselves. They are packing. They are stopping their assailants by fighting back.
It is sad that a society should be forced into such a position. But, when violence does get so severe, perhaps it is necessary. Me? I'm not living in a place where I daily run the fear of being attacked, so I don't need to carry a gun or a knife. I warn against being too quick to assume you are in that bad of an environment. Yes, it is true that if someone were to attack, you wouldn't be able to wait on an officer to rescue you. But, if the odds of such an attack are less than once in a lifetime, we shouldn't feel a big need to pack.
But, when it gets as severe as it is in Israel, perhaps it is necessary. And, if you live in a U.S. community where there are daily or weekly attacks of the random variety, then wearing a gun might be the wise choice.
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