We would love to help the Syrian refugees, and President Obama has offered to bring 10,000 of them this way. But, then along comes the Paris Attack, and now we are having second thoughts.
So, put up a parking lot.
Presidential contender Marco Rubio says we can't vet them, so we can't take them in.
New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez says put 'em on hold until we can vet them and place them.
So, put, up a parking lot.
All 10,000 of these refugees need not arrive at once. So, maybe the parking lot doesn't need to be overly massive, but it would have to be pretty sizable. Put it on our southern border. Raise cement walls, higher on the back side than on the front, so we can monitor any climbing over that side from the front side.
Yes, it is a little bit of a prison. If we are going to pause them, long enough to vet them, we will have to detain them. But, this must not be a long process. Interview them, contact their towns people, andcheck them against our lists of suspected terrorists.
And let them in. Rubio is right, that we cannot vet them, at least not fully, not as completely as we would like. But, we could and should make what efforts we can.
And, then, let 'em in.
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