"For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not,from him shall be taken even that which he hath." -- Mark 4:25
As I read the Book of Mark today -- an act I should do more on Sundays than I do -- I found myself being somewhat in awe that so many of you do not believe in the Christ. I suppose I cannot explain my feelings, fully, that you should understand. And, I realize you feel the same of me. You look at evolution and the Big Bang and other things, and are amazed that I should believe in a God.
Bless you. Bless us both. We search for truth, and go different directions.
I think of this scripture, of how he that has, shall be given more, and from him that has not, shall be taken even that which he has. So it is with truth: He that has truth, shall be given more. And, from him that resists truth, shall be taken truth. There is something about the open mind. The mind that accepts truth, opens itself to more, while the mind that closes itself against truth sets up a pattern of denying truth..
I think of another scripture, Mark 18:8, wherein the Savior asks, "Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not?" If eyes and ears are closed against truth, truth cannot reach them.
The question becomes, of course, which of us is rejecting truth? Which of us is closing his mind? While I felt, as I read the scriptures today, so sure that a Savior -- even Jesus Christ -- once walked the face of this earth, I know you are as assured in your belief as I am in mine.
So, as I said, bless us both.
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