Bless you all for being involved in the democratic process, but I have something to suggest to those of you who are 100 percent republican or 100 percent democrat.
Bless you, indeed, but, yes, I wonder about you, if you only vote for republicans, or only vote for democrats. Oh, I believe we ought to be able to vote on whatever basis we want, and if that criterion is that you just want those of your own party, so be it. But . . .
But, it seems voting could be more meaningful if we considered the candidates each individually, not just on which camp they come out of.
And, even more importantly, if we considered the issues individually. I have said it before, and I say it again: I do not understand the phenomenon of how all those who believe in abortion (the bulk of them) also (the bulk of them) believe in climate change. It is an unexplained mystery, isn't it? And, then, to think this divide extends as we add issue after issue: immigration, welfare, and on and on. Even on the birther issue -- whether President Obama was born in America -- finds most of its proponents in the republican camp, while few democrats adhere to the belief he was born in Kenya, not Hawaii.
If a people did not have backgrounds in being republican or democrat, they would not pick the same sides time after time. I said it is an unexplained issue, but there is an explanation:We choose the side of our party.
We take our stands on issues not based on reason, but on what our party dictates. Oh, don't get me wrong. There are arguments behind each side of each issue. What stands we adopt do not come without reason. We can cite reasons for all our stands.
So, if we are not basing our stands on reason, I just think the whole thing cheapens our country, cheapens the American system, cheapens democracy. I believe in a noble America, but I do not find this noble. I do not find it the sign of a great country. To divide based not on logic, but on whether someone or something is in our camp, that does not make for a noble system.
Bless America towards a day it rises above petty politics, and I am not speaking to the politicians. I'm speaking to us all.
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