Okay, comfort is key. If folks don't feel comfortable coming to your meeting, they won't even show up.
If we have wrung our hands over how ensure good attendance at our party caucus meetings, we would be wise to wonder if there is anything about the meetings that is making attendees uncomfortable. I say, there is. Often, if you go, you will be forced to face good friends who you know and love and don't want to disagree with . . .
But, who you do, indeed, disagree with.
That's not comfortable.
One solution would be to let the caucus-goers go to the precinct meeting of their choice. Have, say, four caucus meetings to choose from. If you are in precincts 1 through 4, then you can go to any of the four.
Those not wanting to run into friends they disagree with will be comforted knowing the odds are only one-in-four of running into them.
Another benefit of a go-to-your-choice-of-four meetings is that, through the years, people with similar viewpoints will gravitate to the same meeting. As you are more comfortable when with others who agree with you, this also will lend to encouraging more people to attend the caucus meetings.
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