If you would reinvigorate our state's political process, place term limits on party convention delegates. This, as much as anything -- and maybe more -- could make a difference.
We've tweaked the caucus-convention system, by providing an alternate way of getting on the primary ballot. Some like the change, others do not.
But, placing term limits on convention delegates might be a bigger reform. I do not know how much impact the move would have on increasing voter turnout, but I believe it would have an impact on caucus attendance. And, it should help restore respect to the caucus-convention system. Many of those displeased with it right now, would find it more acceptable.
Year after year (or election year after election year, more correctly), many of the same people are elected as delegates to the conventions. (Ironically, some of them see it as their imperative to not let the same people remain in public office year after year.)
When I bring up this idea of placing term limits on delegates, I'm sometimes told that the reason many of the same people are elected delegates repeatedly, is that no one else wants the job.
But, let's do the best we can to encourage them to be involved. Let's make it as comfortable as we can for them to go to those meetings. I fear that one reason some do not attend caucus, is that they don't want to have to disagree with their good neighbors. They don't agree with everything their neighbors (who are the same people elected as delegates year after year) want to do. In fact, they sometimes strongly disagree. But, these are their friends, and they don't want to upset them or don't want to oppose them.
So, they take the path of least resistance, and just steer clear. They choose not to go the caucus meeting to avoid a confrontation with their friends.
Instituting term limits will help. Those shying away from the meetings to avoid confrontations with friends, will be more likely to go if they know their friends are no longer so much in charge. They can go to the meetings with more hope of being elected, themselves. It won't be perfect, for they will still be placed in position where they were facing friends they disagreed with, but it will be a big step in the right direction.
Tomorrow, I'll propose at another change to go hand-in-hand with this one, It would also be a significant improvement. Then, I will still have at least one more idea, which I will publish yet the next day. I believe these ideas would restore respect for the caucus-convention system.
(Edited June 6)
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