Temperatures worldwide could go up an average 14 degrees by 2100? So, I read, in an article that lays it at the feet of climate change.
The extreme hurricanes, and extreme flooding are being laid at the feet of climate change.
I do not know. It might be a little premature to place the blame for world disasters so squarely on climate change. Still, I tend to believe it.
And, I find myself turning to the scriptures, to Matthew 24.
"(A)nd there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." (verse 7)
"For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." (verse 21)
Surely, the great tribulations include more than natural disasters, as there are to be wars and rumors of war and other commotions.
Still, I cannot help but consider on climate change, and wonder but what some of its more extreme outcomes might just now be bending into view. I wonder what we see by 2100. Temperatures rising 14 degrees? I can see how that might lead to famines and pestilences. Famines and pestilences can be the product of weather, as much as anything.
So, climate change and the problems it brings fit well with the prophecies of the last days. We may not know for certain that climate change and the weather outcomes will mesh with biblical prophecy, but I think it okay to wonder.
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