I've wondered at what point we say, Enough is enough, and make a preemptive strike on North Korea. But, as peaceful measures should be tried before military ones, have we tried all the sanctions that might make a difference?
Should oil exports to the North be banned?
"Such a ban would potentially halt North Korea's tanks and other military vehicles and ground its air force. It would also bring a good proportion of the nation's industry to a standstill, halt trains and agricultural vehicles needed to bring in crops, and make the coming winter feel even more bitterly cold than usual," says an article at dw.com.
It seems to me, there are three steps you should take in an international crisis such as this: 1.-- Negotiations and talks. 2.-- Sanctions and other such pressures. 3. -- Preemptive strikes. You do all you can with in each stage before moving on to the next. That said, have we done enough negotiating and talking? Have we appealed to North Korea? I believe President Trump is asking China and Russia to appeal to the North. If you can't reach them, yourself, send in those who are friends of North.
And, if that doesn't work, amp up the sanctions. How will the North respond? The Korean Central News Agency reports that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the North said Pyongyang would hit the U.S. with "the greatest pain and suffering it had ever gone through in its entire history."
It is a threat. Is it a wild one, or one they can make good on? At any rate, we cannot afford to do nothing.
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