Back in the days of the founding of our country, Paul Revere rode to Lexington and Concord, yelling out his warning, "The British are coming: The British are coming."
I see in this week's tweet from Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf a likeness, even an echo of Revere's refrain. She warned the families of her city of an imminent ICE raid. As well she might have yelled, "The Customs agents are coming; The Customs agents are coming."
Her warning, it is said, saved perhaps 800 from being captured.
It may seem a little wrong to compare the one with the other. To many, those being raided by ICE were criminals, guilty of (if nothing else) being in a country they do not belong in. But, to me, there are likenesses. The colonial Americans were yet somewhat new in America, and seeking to assert their freedom, even as the British troops invaded to take it away. Even so, the immigrants are new to America, and hopeful of asserting their freedom here, even as ICE agents would hunt them down.
The two events are like book ends, one taking place on the Eastern Seaboard at the beginning of our nation; The other taking place on the Western Seaboard at the most recent hour of our history. Both the colonial Americans and the so-called illegal aliens seek no more than freedom. Both rise up against the ruling government in hopes of securing that liberty. And, just as the colonial Americans were considered treasonous for opposing British rule, even so Mayor Schaaf is being accused of treason for warning of the impending ICE raid.
Some have suggested her guilty of obstruction of justice. I do not know that they are wrong. Perhaps, she is guilty as accused. But, even so, there remains in her gesture an echo from 1775; There remains in her voice a voice reminiscent to that of Paul Revere.
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