Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Immigrant's Phone Call didn't go well

   The Immigrant called ahead, this time, thinking to ask America if he could come. Last time, he had just walked in, and that hadn't worked out very well. So, this time he thought maybe he'd try to get permission first.
  "President Trump? Is this President Donald J. Trump? I've been meaning to reach you, to ask you for permission to come to America. Do you think that would be alright?"
   There was silence on the other end, and if the Immigrant had been able to see, he would have seen President Trump pulling the phone away from his ear and looking at it, as if to say, "What? What is this crazy call?"
   "Yes, Mr. Trump, are you there?" the Immigrant asked.
   The President tapped his fingers on his desk, then spoke. "I take it you are from Mexico. Tell me, are you a rapist?"
   "No," came the reply.
   "Have you ever murdered anyone?"
   "No, Mr. President."
   "The reason I'm asking, is because Mexico doesn't send its finest, you know. I know who you are."
   "No, Mr. President. I am not that immigrant."
    "You're from outside this country aren't you?"
   "Well, yes,"
   "Do you remember the illegal immigrant who shot things up in San Francisco?'
   "Well, yes."
    "And, the one in New York?"
   "Yes, I remember him."
    "You're a terrorist, aren't you!"
     "No, no. Please. You've got the wrong person. Yes, I'm an immigrant, but I'm not that immigrant. You're sure getting me confused with someone else."
    "No!" Trump said loudly. "Once an invader, always an invader. Now, you've certainly got some kind of gall, to call the President of the United States, and ask if you can invade his country."
     "No, I don't want to invade. I'm just calling to ask if you think it might be alright if I came on in. For the moment, it would just be me. Oh, I don't know, the wife and kids might come later. And, maybe a cousin or two and maybe our grandmother. But, for now, it would just be me. You think that would be okay?"
   "I knew it! Chain migration!" Trump yelled, shaking in rage, and dropping the phone. Picking it up again, he regained a little bit of his composure, and said, "I told you I know who are. I know you and the likes of you.  And, I know what you're up to. You're going to infect our whole nation! You come first, then you get others in behind you, and pretty soon, the whole nation is infested. It's an infestation! It's an invasion!"
   The Immigrant sighed. He didn't know what to say.
   Trump, tapped his fingers on his desk, waiting for a reply.
   "Well, I tell you what you can do," the Immigrant finally said. "After I and my wife and kids get there, you can put up that wall you've been talking about, so there won't be any invasion. No infestation, there, huh? No invasion? I don't want you to do that, but I'll bet you probably will."
   President Trump dropped the phone again, his blood pressure rising yet higher. "You'll do no such thing! You won't come! You won't bring your family! America first, America first, America first! Make America great again! I'll build my wall, and none of you will come!"
   He hung up the phone.
   On the other end, the Immigrant heard the line go dead. Pulling the phone away from his ear, he stared at it as if to say, "Whoa! What was that?"

(Index: Story)

1 comment:

  1. I like the emphasis of looking at a person different from a commodity. (at the same time I think people are the best investment to be made)
