As I think to blog against the barrier between Gaza and Israel, I call up a Wikipedia article.
"The barrier has been effective in preventing terrorists and suicide bombers from entering Israel from Gaza. Since 1996, virtually all suicide bombers trying to leave Gaza have detonated their charges at the barrier's crossing points and were stopped while trying to cross the barrier elsewhere," says the article.
I change my mind. If the barrier is successfully stopping terrorists and suicide bombers, it should be allowed to stay.
But, then I read how the wall was rebuilt and a one kilometer buffer zone installed and Israeli soldiers were given authority to shoot and kill those in the buffer zone.
And, so they have done.
If my voice were a voice to be heard, I would probably oppose this. Perhaps I need more thought on it before saying I definitively oppose it, for I suppose if you simply tried to arrest and jail those found in the buffer, they might detonate suicide bombs when approached to be arrested.
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