That which hurts, also helps. Or, so it can. Even so, stress can lead to strength. Stress might seem like something that hurts, but it can trigger responses that build. When faced with pressure, a person can crumble or respond positively. To some extent, the choice is belongs to the person. He has two buttons to choose from. One is the cringe button. When the person chooses the cringe button, messages are sent to the body, saying, Beware, you are doomed, there is no way out, give up. The other button is the adrenaline button, Adrenaline has been known to give strength to lift cars and do miraculous things. It has even been said to take away pain.
If there are miracles -- health miracles -- adrenaline can be the agent for them. We speak of how there are scientific laws at play, and of how miracles are brought about by them, though they are laws we don't understand. If there are healings, then, adrenaline might be the physical force that brings many of them about.
We speak of faith, and of the faith to be healed. I have suggested that when faced with a crisis, the person has the choice of pushing the cringe button, or the adrenaline button. Is not this faith? If he has great faith, he will push the adrenaline button in more high-crisis situations.
Before it is a chemical, adrenaline is an electrical impulse. Not all adrenaline is equal. A person might have faith equal to some tasks, but not to others. And, some things might be beyond the reach of adrenaline and faith.
Adrenaline can be compared to the baking process. You can have all the ingredients needed -- taking pills, eating well, etc. -- but if those ingredients are thrown out without being used, they are of no value. Sometimes the ingredients are processed without the need of adrenaline. It is like simply pouring Kool-aid into water, the process is complete with no more than a little stir. Other times, you need to place everything in the oven and bake it. Even so, when you take medicines, they often heal you without anything needing done on your part.
Not so with adrenaline. You do need to do something. You control it. There might be times -- maybe even the majority of them, I do not know -- where adrenaline is not empowered by your choice, but the point is, it can be empowered by your choice. You (at least sometimes) can control it.
Adrenaline is like an oven. You take all the ingredients and turn on the oven and bake them for the proper amount of time, and you have your cake.
It is said, when you get an adrenaline rush, sugars are released into the blood stream to give you the energy necessary for the task. Even so, you need ingredients. You don't just put an empty cake pan in the oven and expect to have a cake. Knowing that wheat turns to sugar, wheat might well be one of the best ingredients for creating adrenaline.
Well, there are my musings for this morning. Some of these theories might be amiss, but I would guess at least a portion of them are correct.
(Indexes: Health, medicine, miracles)
makes me think