You are not entering America illegally if you enter it the way law specifies. If law says you go to the port of entry, and present yourself for asylum, then why would that not be considered legal entry? The law specifies it.
And, if there's a fence between you and the port of entry? Should you crawl over it? Would that be legal?
Do not confuse this with entering on someone's private property. You are not. This is federal land. And, federal land comes with designated uses. If the land in question is designated, in part, for entry of asylum seekers, you are using the land only for the designated purpose.
So, again, what about a fence, should you want to crawl over it? If you damage that fence, there could be charges for damaging federal property. But, just crawling over it? If there is nothing illegal about entering that port of entry, crawling over a fence that lacks legal standing to stop you, then, is not illegal.
I would guess our federal troops have strung barbed wire, or such, across the top of the fence, making it difficult or impossible to crawl across it. What then? If they can't jump the fence, then what of just walking through the pedestrian lanes at the port of entry? The migrants considered such a surge today, and the San Ysidro Port of Entry closed for a few hours.
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