If I pledge to the flag, am I pledging to support Colin Kaepernick's cause?
I do wonder. When I pledge, do I pledge not only to the flag, but to that for which it stands? For, if I do, right at the end of the pledge, it says, "with liberty and justice for all." Am I not pledging to support justice for all? Is that not all that Kaepernick is advocating?
The cause of the Cap? Frankly, I think it a just one. I believe black people do suffer more at the hands of police than do white people. The statistics are there, so why should I doubt? Do not I, too, want justice for all?
He is not so different than us, this Colin Kaepernick. We both want that which is good and right and just. He looks at a flag not offering those things, and declines to pledge it. I can respect that. I look at that same flag, and see that it promises the very things Kaepernick is asking for, and I pledge to support it.
So, if I pledge to a belief in justice for all, I pledge to the same cause Kaepernick advocates. We need not be enemies on this matter, but both on the same side.
If we truly pledge to the flag he refuses to pledge, his cause should be our cause.
(Edited he slightly revised 11/7/18)
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