Saturday, April 6, 2019

Those Who Deprive Freedom are the Thieves of the World

   They who deprive others of freedom are the thieves of the world. Is not a thief one who takes something from another? If you take a purse, or an iphone or anything from someone who has it, you are a thief.
   If you take something of value, you are a thief -- the definition lies therein. 
  So, what if we take this model and apply it to societies? To do so, we will need to realize the things of value in societies. If the purse and the ihone and the television are things of value to individuals, what are the things of value to societies?
  Things like peace and freedom. These are the currencies of societies. So, when we take them, we become thieves.
   And, when we take these things, what do we call it? -- Social injustice. That is the term we use. So, those who bring social injustice are the thieves of the world. 
   Say you don't like the term "social injustice," for it is a term used by liberals, and therefore you will not side with what I say. Nonetheless, reject it or accept it, truth remains truth. You cannot escape truth by disliking its names.
  Now, when thieves thieve, they rob from the defenseless, as often as not. They prey on the elderly, among others. Those who live on the streets cannot lock up their belongings. So, when thieves come looking for victims, they include the poor in their search. 
  You might say, a thief finds his rule in the home of the poor. 
  We have this saying, A man's home is is castle. When a man owns a home, he is the king. But, what of the homeless? If they have no home, it is as if they are without a country to rule. If a man's home is his castle, and they have no home, then it is as if they have no country to rule.
   Their having no country perhaps becomes more significant when you think of it this way.
   If the immigrant were living in a country, the laws of that land might protect him. But, when he leaves that home, he leaves the protection. When he is forced out onto the streets of the world, he becomes vulnerable. He becomes defenseless. If he shows up in America, he will be told he has no rights, for rights are for citizens. A citizen is but one who has the right to call a nation his home, and claim all the rights and protections of that home. 
  Without those, the immigrants are the homeless. 
  And, instead of being their own kings, those on whose streets they run become their kings. If a man's home is his castle, the man without a home has others for kings.  A thief finds his rule in the home of the poor. If your home is on the streets, the thief is your king. 
   So, it is with the immigrant. We become his king. And, if we will, his thief. If we take away peace and freedom, we are the thieves of the world. If we rob the immigrant the values society offers, we are not the purveyors of freedom, but the thieves of it. 
   We would do well to consider on these things. If they have no right to be here, they have no right -- and we are not as thieves. But, if we dip into their inalienable rights, we dip into their purses.
   And, even when it is not inalienable rights we snatch from them, even when it is just the right to be here granted by our own asylum laws, when we take that from them, we take that which belongs to them, and we are as thieves. 
   Freedom and peace taken, are freedom and peace robbed.

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