Blazon the headline across the top of the newspaper: "Trump's A.G. Opens Investigation of Investigation."
Or, maybe, "Trump Says New Investigation Will Find How Hoax Started."
This is not a small matter, Trump and his people investigating the investigation. If the Russian investigation was fraudulent, or had fraudulent beginnings, that should be big, big news. If you are calling for an investigation to find out, that is worthy of being the day's lead story.
In the history of America, how many times have investigations been investigated? Was the Kennedy assassination's investigation investigated? Was the Watergate investigation investigated? Was the investigation of Bill Clinton investigated? Was the Congressional investigation of Hillary investigated? I don't know: How many times has a federal investigator been assigned to investigate an investigation?
Is this unprecedented, or has it happened a few times before? If it is unprecedented, let the newspaper headline scream as much.
But, this investigation is highly newsworthy for yet another reason: It is possible the investigator is being sent on a biased assignment. He might be being told to find the dirt, rather than to even-handedly determine if any exists.
If you appoint the person doing the the investigation, you can seek out someone who will do your bidding. Then, when the results come back, you can simply say the investigation showed this and this and this, and suggest everyone should just accept these things as facts.
In the history of America, has ever such a thing happened? Has ever a federal official being investigated been in position to appoint someone to investigate the investigation? Are we not a little concerned with what is happening?
Wake up, America, to what is going on. Let me slap you upside the ear, just a little, that you might wake up.
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