I was most amused at Time Dealer, who went back in time and changed every movie. Clint Eastwood and John Wayne -- he changed them all.
They all had faulty story lines, you know. Well, story lines that were so close to okay, you thought they were okay.
But they weren't.
Guns cracked and someone fell dead. Time after time, and movie after movie. Now, the thing was, we were taught that these people dying were people who deserved to die. We were taught that the hero administering justice was a hero, indeed.
None of this stuff about letting the courts decide.
So, Time Dealer came along and altered and edited every single one of those movies. He changed them so the villain never ever got killed, but just got hauled off to jail.
You can go ahead and argue over whether Time Dealer ought to have changed all those movies. I only know that if we didn't have so many movies teaching us to kill, and teaching us that killing can be justified, and that killing can be good . . .
We might not have so many killings in Chicago, and St. Louis, and Washington, and New Orleans.
If we could go back and change our ways, would we? Or would we slap the hands of Time Dealer, and tell him to leave well enough alone?
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