Scriptures of the last days, if you will believe them, and if you belief they indeed apply to the last days. Consider Isaiah 10:1-2, if ye would.
"Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed;
"That turn aside the needy from judgement, and take away the right of the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless!"
Asking it straight up, Does this apply to how we are treating people at our southern border? Is it fair of me to even suggest this?
Look at the world about us, considering that we are in the last days. Search your thoughts and cast your eyes on all that is happening.
Is there anything else going on that fits this scripture? Because, if there is not, we are just to wonder if what is going on at the border is the fulfillment of this prophecy. I do not say it is (for sure), but believe we must wonder.
"Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed"? There are decrees on immigration. There are laws. They are grievous to the poor.
"That turn away the needy from judgement." They line up at the border, seeking judgement on their asylum appeals. We turn them away, back into Mexico, not even wanting to let their cases be heard.
"And take away the right of the poor of my people." We say they have no rights.
"That widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless!" The widows and the fatherless are, like the rest of the migrants, subject to the cartels as they cross the desert. And, as they arrive and live in America, if they are robbed, they live the fear of going to the police, lest they be deported.
No, I do not know this scripture refers to the immigrants. But, we are told to ponder the scriptures. How can you ponder if you view these thoughts out of line? I think it not wrong to wonder, to ponder on it.
Yes, city ordinances can be troublesome to the poor. That could be the "unrighteous decrees." Turning aside the needy from judgement could be not giving our homeless true justice. The widows and the fatherless? The weaker members of any group are always the most vulnerable.
Still, even if you sweep all the homeless population into being a fulfillment of the scripture, what is happening at the border would remain a part of that fulfillment.
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