I both welcome President Trump's Fourth of July speech, and decry the event. It is not wrong, but rather it is good to praise America and to speak well of its ideals and achievements. But, I think of the money diverted from the parks, and of how I have heard the parks do not have enough money to keep up their restroom facilities. And, I think of President Trump issuing tickets to Republican committee members and to political donors. Yet he turns around and promises this is not a political event.
And, I think of this: If you can paint yourself a patriot, and convince the populace that that is all you really care about, you can win the upcoming election and solidify all your objectives. If people view you as a patriot, they will say you are right in all you do with immigration and other matters.
Convince them you are a patriot, and all is yours. Tie your image to that of America. You first ran on the slogan, "Make America Great Again," tying yourself to all that is good about America, and suggesting it is you who will return this land to its values and greatness.
Trump is America, and America is Trump. Make that connection. I am not so fool as to not see this is what you are doing. Persuade the people you are the one great patriot -- do everything you do in the name of patriotism -- and the masses will fall in behind you.
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