Climate change affects our seas as much as anything, with rising waters. And, whenever climate change is discussed, the melting ice caps and their impact on global water levels is often mentioned. So, is there anything in biblical prophecy speaking of the seas?
I find in Luke 21:25 it saying that there will be a "perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring." And, I think of the waves roaring in on islands in the Pacific as the water levels have risen.
The Latter-day Saint prophet Joseph Smith added corrections and additions to the Bible, as he was inspired to make those changes. He added this to verse 25: "The earth shall also be troubled, and the waters of the great deep." Climate change is a troubling of the earth, and of the waters of the great deep, especially if "waters of the great deep" specifies that it is the oceans that are being referred to. Then, it becomes that this passage is referring to the seas being troubled in connection with the earth being troubled. I do not know -- is this significant? It seems it might be. Discussion of climate change usually (or at least often) does not leave out discussion of rising sea levels. Even so, Joseph Smith's Translation doesn't just say the earth will be troubled, but specifically that the waters of the great deep are to be included in this troubling.
I will end by saying I don't know if the scripture in Luke is referring to climate change. I do not say that it is. I say, though, that from what I see, it is possible it is referring to climate change. That possibility is open.
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