I do not say the burning of the earth and the warming of the seas and the warming of the atmosphere, and the changing of temperatures is a biblical sign that the end is near, but I wonder.
And, I think it not wrong to wonder.
I am told to look for the signs, so I look. I look at what is happening, and say, Could the signs of the times refer to this?
The earth and heavens roll together as a scroll? Whatever could that mean?
Tonight, as I wondered about climate change, and considered the fires roiling through the Amazon, I turned to Revelations 16.
"And the second angel poured out the vial upon the sea." Do we see anything currently happening with the seas, that this could refer to?
". . . and every living soul died in the sea." Our seas are rising, and the prediction is, they will wash ashore. I don't think, though, it is being said they will rise so high as to claim a good part of humankind.
Perhaps we must think the revelations refer to something else -- not to the rising of the seas from climate change. But, at this point, I think it not wrong to look around, and seeing little else going on that might fit, wonder.
"And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun." It would appear, then, that this heat will come from the sun. Is this not consistence with global warming?
"And power was given unto him to scorch men with fire." I think of the fires in and near the arctic. And, I think of the fires in California, and how many they have scorched.
The Amazon? Perhaps those fires are lit by man, not by the sun. Still, they might afflict the whole earth. And, afflictions and pestilence lies in that, and the Bible speaks of affliction and pestilence.
"And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues." Instead of seeing the hand of God being unleashed, they suggest God is not behind global warming.
". . . and they repented not to give him glory." Despite all the evidence of climate change, they hold to their beliefs. They reject the warnings of the scientists. They repent not. They refuse to see God's hand -- his glory -- in what is going on.
No, I don't not know that Revelations 16 is speaking of climate change. The revelation might yet lie ahead -- completely ahead of us -- and to look at what is happening now will only lead us astray. I might, indeed, be stretching when I wonder if it is climate change.
I only know that to look at scripture, and to look around at what is happening, gives cause to wonder.
And, I think it not wrong to wonder.
(Index -- Climate change info)
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