Would that our leaders, when they spoke of their business in Washington, spoke with language reflecting they considered themselves all on the same team.
Too much, they say, The Democrats are the problem, or the Republicans are. Too often, they point to the other and scream that that is the opposite party is the problem.
We need to be one team. We don't need to agree on everything, but it would be good if we worked together, if we viewed each other as being part of the same team.
Would that we would set aside much of this language that the Democrats are doing this or the Republicans doing that. What if, instead, when someone held a view different than ours -- instead of saying the Republicans or Democrats hold such and such a view -- we said, Some of my colleagues do not see it as I see it -- a party-less reference to differences instead of always dragging party lines into the matter.
"Some of my colleagues." What if, instead of language dividing us into two teams, we used language that placed us all on the same team?
I am not saying never blame the other party. If you feel the other party is at fault, that should be uttered from time to time. I'm saying, tone it down. Make negative references to the other party much less the practice. And, most usually, try to keep a tone of respect for the other party in what you say.
(Note: Blog added to and changed 10/4/19.)
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