Friday, October 4, 2019

Judgment is but the Inability to Escape the Truth

  Perhaps my understanding of the great plan of salvation has increased. I do not know for certain that these thoughts are correct, but, yes, they do so seem to be, to me.
  Truth is stronger than a two-edged sword, it is said -- and, I think of how it will be our judge. In the heavens, before we came here, we did not have bodies that brought decay. You have heard of photographic memory? I wonder if our spirits had as much -- if they could remember everything, and details did not slip from our minds, but could be kept constant in them.
   With bodies of decay, that was taken away. And, with this, came a division from truth. We could not escape truth in the pre-existence. And, since we couldn't, we were more likely to do what was right.
  There may be other factors to why earth life is a testing ground beyond what we had in the pre-existence. Perhaps an evil spirit cannot come within another spirit, but only within a body. So, if an evil spirit is to tempt us, it is needful for us to have a body that it can enter. I do not know that; I am just wondering.
  On earth, we can run from the truth. If we don't want to believe something, we don't have to. If we want to be delusional, we can; We can suppose things, and who can deny that they are not true? That wasn't so likely in the pre-existence. We had to believe, because our minds were not mortal and the photographic memory would not let truth escape us. It hung in our thoughts because no mortal decay allowed it its escape.
  The judgment? It is a time when we will not be able to escape the truth. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, because they will not be able to escape the truth. Truth is judgment. Now, for such a judgment to take place, it is necessary that we die, for the mortal, unperfected body with all its deteriorating characteristics, can run from the truth.
   A spirit without a body is not so free to run from the truth.
   All these thoughts do lead me to wonder if I am in error. What of the third of the host of heaven that chose not to come here? This would mean they rejected the truth even though they could not escape it, doesn't it?
  I do not know if they found a way to escape it, or what will become of them, or if they are proof that my thoughts are wrong. I will only say, my thoughts seem correct, despite not understanding how the spirits who chose not to come here fit into the picture.

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