Friday, October 4, 2019

Resurrection of Bodies Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial

   Here is another thought to go with what I just posted. When we are resurrected, some are resurrected to celestial bodies, and some to terrestrial, and some to telestial.
   So we are taught -- those of us in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  What if a celestial body is one that is capable of accepting faults? I have thought how our giving thought to our faults can literally kill us. While my brother was dying, it occurred to me that if I had shown more love to him, he would have lived. The thought that I had brought on his death brought me so far as to see that if I took it too far, I would die, so great was the despair.
   I also came to realize that if I accepted my shortcomings by realizing there was a hereafter and a God capable of providing a way to correct my wrong, there was solace. Perhaps in this I passed a test: I was both willing to repent and to accept Christ as my Savior to overcome my shortcoming.
   If we are capable of living with memory of our shortcomings, we can be resurrected to celestial bodies. But, if we are unwilling to accept all our sins, then another place must be prepared for us, and we must be resurrected into bodies capable of escaping some truth.
  I do not say that I am surely right in these thoughts. I see reasons for believing I might be wrong. I think of the 76th section, and of how it divides the souls of men, and do not know that what it describes fits with what I have supposed.
  But, I do not think it wrong to wonder. I do not think it wrong to ponder. And, I think it wonderful to have thoughts on the matter.

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