I told her I just didn't have anything to say -- nice, that is.
"You need to try," she said. "You need to love everyone in this world, and that would include the Donald. I just don't know how else you are going to show any love for him if you can't figure out something nice to say."
"How about if I just said I loved him?" I asked.
"That's a start," she said. "But if you say something positive about him, that might be even better. People who love others say nice things about them."
"Let's see. He did give a good Christmas message, from what I hear," I replied. "And, I love Christmas messages."
"He always gives good talks, doesn't he?" Mom said.
"Hey, that's cheating," I said. "You're taking away good things I could say by beating me to them."
"And, he presents himself in such a way, that a lot of Christian leaders back him. So, there must be something there," she said.
"What do you think about the way he treats people at the border?" I asked.
She ignored my question.
"Well," I said. "The economy might still be doing pretty good. And, he does seem to be a fan of Israel. Now, on climate change . . ."
She gave me another mean look, and I knew she was going to tell me it was my bedtime.
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