Battle lines a-being drawn
Nobody's right, if everybody's wrong.
So sang Buffalo Springfield 52 years ago. We've a couple of sayings that go along with that: "There's enough blame to go around," and "Both sides are wrong."
I think of the impeachment hearings, and of how the Republicans are suggesting the process has been flawed. The R's wouldn't say both sides are wrong. But, there are some who are watching all that's going on and thinking both sides are wrong. The look at what the Republicans are saying about it being a flawed process, and agree.
Sometimes, though, the both-sides-are-wrong approach only serves to take attention away from what is wrong. Sometime, there is one side that is wrong.
I do not know whether it is true, that the Democrats are not playing fair. I have not looked into it fully. But, I tend to doubt it. My take is that Trump has done wrong, and I hate to see his justice being circumvented by false charges that the process isn't fair.
Battle lines are being drawn. And, just because there are two sides, doesn't mean they both have to be wrong. In this case -- to me -- the Republicans are definitely wrong. Their president is wrong in what he did. You can muddy the waters by firing back that the process isn't fair.
But, he is guilty, the same.
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