These charges from the Andrew McCabe camp, from his lawyer and against the Office of the Investigator General -- they beg to come to light.
Oh, they are old, issued in 2018. But, consider the gravity of them. They allege OIG investigators asked the former deputy director of the FBI to appear immediately, and at a moment when his legal counsel was not available. One wonders if that is even legal, and should have caused the whole case against McCabe to be thrown out.
And, they allege the OIG investigators assured him they would discuss other matters, and not McCabe, himself. They don't use the term, but luring him there under false pretenses is what it amounts to. Is that legal?
When they sprung the trap on him, after discussing other matters for the greater length of time, McCabe scrambled to put them off until he could have legal counsel present. And, in the surprise in being ambushed, he perhaps didn't fully understand the questions and certainly didn't have time to give thoughtful answers.
McCabe's lawyer following that meeting, former Justice Department Inspector General Michael Bromwich, notes that rather than trying to hide the truth, McCabe quickly sought to correct the inaccuracies, contacting the OIG just two days later.
Then, in drawing their conclusions, the OIG gave no leeway that James Comey's and McCabe's recollections might differ simply by honest fault of memory. And, they inexplicably simply chose Comey' recollections over McCabe's, even though McCabe's had documentation.
Justice is never justice when those who are to administer it enter with an agenda. It is not wrong to wonder if Trump officials pressured the OIG to come up with something on McCabe.
And, they did. They said he lacked candor in his responses to agents.
Much has been made of the Carter Page FISA applications. Were they obtained legally? For one thing, they didn't disclose that Page was a source to the CIA from 2008 to 2013. For such things, investigators were accused of incompetence.
And, so, on the McCabe case? Not giving time for having a lawyer present? Luring him in under false pretenses? Someone could call for an investigation into the OIG's investigation of McCabe. Rather than that, I would say just look at the record of what happened. Just let it be known. Open the news to the light of day, and let McCabe be vindicated in the public square.
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