Tonight, in a hurry to write and not remembering all the things I want to write about, I rush to get something in and fall back on what I have been reading in my scripture study.
Pardon me for discussing religion.
I think of the current migration going on in the world, and of how some from Muslim and African countries are going to Germany and Scandinavia. We don't think of those from Africa as being part of the gathering of Israel, but it there a possibility that is true? We suppose we are in the last days. A lot of migration is going on . . . and a share of it is to Germany and Scandinavia.
The Book of Mormon pages I read yesterday (and they included verses from Isaiah, although I think I found this not in the Isaiah chapters) speak of the blood of Israel being scattered among all nations and all people.
Did you get that? All. All meaning all, that includes Africa. And, if we say among all people, that includes the Muslims.
I found myself wondering if the Israelites could have went to Germany, then to Africa and to the Muslim countries.
Well, tonight, I opened a Wikipedia article to read how at the time of Julius Caesar, Germany was considered unconquered territory. I was in a hurry to get ready for bed, so I didn't read far into the article. But, I assume the Romans went to Germany with the thought of conquering it. Now, Israel was part of the Roman Empire, so it would not be impractical to take those of Israel along, or send them ahead to set up a presence of people.
As I thought to close the article, I quickly went back to it and my eyes fell on a sentence saying, "Germany joined the other powers in colonial expansion in Africa and the Pacific."
Now, this was not until the mid-1800s. Is that too late? Were there other, earlier German excursions? Or, even if it did come that late, could it have brought those to Africa whose descendants just a century or so later are returning? Who knows.
I do know this: The scripture says the House of Israel was scattered among all nations and among all people. That includes Africa and it also includes the people we know as Muslims.
And, the scriptures say they will be returned to the lands -- plural -- of their inheritance. Could Scandinavia and Germany be among those lands of inheritance?
It would be ironic if some of the areas looking down their noses on the migrants coming into their countries, and considering them as, perhaps, evil people, are actually rejecting the Lord's chosen people.
Lest I need to remind you, the scriptures say these people of the House of Israel will be despised (or words to that effect) of all nations. (Does it say all nations?) The migrants of our day certainly are hated and rejected.
I do not say all this is correct. I do not know. It is but one possible scenario. I do wonder, though. I do wonder.
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