I'm a believer in people, in the thought that there are many good people among all nations, and among all religions, and among all kindred.
I'm a believer in their right to search for a home, a country in which to live, one that offers them the protections of freedom, and the opportunity to prosper and make a living. I find it no fault that people search for such a home.
I find it wrong for governments to stand in the way of this freedoms. When you have good people who look but for a place to work, and to join family -- when you have people who are looking but for a country where they can do good -- it is not government's right to block the freedom to seek these things.
Restrictions on freedom are only for those who harm others. When you commit murder, or thievery, or destruction, let it be that you are placed in jail. But, the good person, let them choose to live in whatever clime and country they choose, for they do no one no harm. Governments only should restrict the freedoms of those who do harm. When governments step in to block the freedoms of law-abiding people, it is those governments that exceed their rights, not the people who come to live here.
America was founded as a haven for people from other countries, especially the poor. If we have drifted from that, we have drifted from our principles. I think not only of the welcome on the Statue of Liberty -- Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses yearning to be free -- but of words of our founding father, George Washington: "The bosom of America is open to receive not only the opulent and respected stranger, but the oppressed and persecuted of all nations."
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