Tuesday, January 3, 2023

DNA, DNA -- Now it Points to Polynesian Connection

   Any thoughts? My religion teaches that some of the ancestors of the American Indians came by ship across the ocean. The most dominant theory -- and the one given the most credence -- is that the ancestors of the Native Americans crossed the Bering Strait. An article I just read, though, suggests the DNA from a Blackfoot tribe man shows that his ancestors were more of Polynesian origin, thus indicating they came across the Pacific Ocean. That is very close to what many LDS believe as to the relationship of Polynesians and American Indians, as they believe the Polynesians branched off from the American Indians, not the other way around.
   My thought is that -- as the article suggested -- those coming to America could have had a number of origins, and it should not surprise us that there is DNA strongly showing they crossed the Bering Strait. The ancestry from the Tribes of Israel would have been white, I believe. So, where did they get their colored skin? I have no problem accepting that it might have been from Asia. As Latter-day Saints, we believe that through the blood of Israel -- as it mixed with other lineages -- all the world was to be blessed. This is biblical prophecy. So, rather than seeing Asian DNA as proof the Book of Mormon is wrong, I see the Book of Mormon ancestors mixing with other people as a fulfillment of that prophecy. Obviously, I could be wrong (quite often am), but that's my thought. 
   Regardless what else, it is neat that the article suggested that while DNA evidence all along has pointed towards the Native Americans crossing the Bering Strait, this new DNA evidence supports a transoceanic crossing. 




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