Orderly: that's all he wants. Is President Biden asking for too much as he sets groundbreaking new rules for immigrants coming to America? Look at all the migrants that have jammed the border, waiting for Title 42 to fall so they could turn themselves in and seek refuge. Could our system have handled such an influx if Title 42 had not been extended?
And, why cannot they apply before the come? Get approved before you make such a long and arduous journey. It's better for you, and it's better for us; you don't end up making the trip for nothing, and we don't end up forced to handle more than we can at one time.
Oh, and use our app. From here on, all applications are to be done online.
“Do not, do not just show up at the border,” Biden said. “Stay where you are and apply legally from there." Biden said if they don't do it right, that's it; no more chances; they can't come.
It all sounds like Biden is but bringing order to a process that was chaos, right?
But, if you give it more thought, you might consider Biden is much like a rich ruler living a lifestyle that puts him out of touch with the common person. Unfortunatley, the things that seem simple to him will not always be practical to those he is imposing his orders upon. Many of those coming are seeking to escape immediate harm. Telling them to just chill and wait when their lives are threatened if they do . . . is that a practical solution? It works for a man living at the top who doesn't know the trials of those below, but, no, it doesn't work for them. When you flee a hazard, you don't wait for approval; when a building's on fire, you don't wait for a hall pass.
Use an app? Some coming might have easy access to computers. Others? Can we be sure there are none so poor that they don't have access to computers? Why lock out the poor because of their poverty?
And, perhaps one more question for you, Mr. president. You say you will allow but 30,000 a month from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. Why a cap on immigration for just these four countries? Why a different set of rules just for them? Why make it harder on them to immigrate than those from other foreign countries? Make no doubt, those from these four countries largely are among the poorest of immigrants. Should that be penalized?
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