The story is quickly making its rounds on Facebook. Prominent climate skeptic Jennifer Marohasy (who holds a PhD in biology from the University of Queensland) says that using a Freedom of Information request, she discovered that Australia's Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) was doctoring its temperature readings to favor the belief in global warming. Marohasy said the Freedom of Information request showed BOM's electronic probes returned readings up to 0.7 degrees Celsius warmer than its older mercury thermometers.
Ahh, but when Monash University emeritus environmental professor Neville Nicholls investigated Marohasy's claim, he found the difference between most of the old electronic probes and the new ones was much less -- between zero and 0.1C over the past century. "This difference is very small compared to the strong warming trend in average temperature over Australia" -- about 1.4C over the past century, Nicholls said.
The World Meteorological Organization also looked into Marohasy's allegations, and found that BOM's measurements were in line with its standards, contrary to what Marohasy was saying.
Dr. Marohasy is cooking the books.
(Index -- Climate change info)
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