Friday, May 5, 2023

It's Called 'Greenwashing," and It Tries to Make the Gas Car Look Good

    It's the dominant argument of those who don't believe in climate change. When someone tries to tell them we need to move toward electric vehicles, they reply that more greenhouse gases are caused by the creation of electric cars than are caused by gasoline cars. As the argument goes, it takes so much emission of carbon fuels to mine for the lithium, and so much emission of carbon fuels to create the electric car, and so much emission of carbon fuels to recharge the electric car . . .

   That, in the end, the electric car causes more pollution than it saves.

   There's a word for this. It's called "greenwashing." It's when you make things look eco-friendly when they are not. It's when you spread false information.

   Some guy whose name is too hard to ever pronounce, Auke Hoekstra, is among those who have debunked the theory gas cars cause less pollution. Hoekstra read how a study claimed EVs need to go 48,000 miles before emitting less CO2 than fossil fuel vehicles. 

   The study was called, Decarbonising Road Transport: There Is No Silver Bullet, and it was cited in a story in The Times called, "Electric Cars Only Greener Than Petrol After 50,000 miles."

   First off, Hoekstra discovered the list of organizations behind the study read like a who's who of anti-EV organizations. Then, Hoekstra, who specializes in comparing CO2 emissions those of EVs for Eindhoven University of Technology in Eindenhoven, the Netherlands, was able to show the study underestimated gasoline emissions by just less than 50 percent and failed to account for fuel production. 

   "New 'study' claims it takes 48k miles for electric vehicles to emit less CO2 than gasoline cars," Hoekstra tweeted. "But it's just a misleading brochure. Reality is closer 16k miles."

   ICE vehicles are not eco-friendly. Those who would paint them as being eco-friendly are engaging in what is called "greenwashing." Be thankful if you are one who has never fallen for the false information.

(Index -- Climate change info)

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