Monday, October 14, 2024

Preying on the Poor

When your enemy is the poor
Your enemy is yourself
You cannot suppose it's right
To care only about oneself

When you try to make political hay
By denouncing migrant folk
You compassion and reason
Are all full of smoke

Trump campaigns
On getting rid of the migrants
Such audacity, at best
Lies in the heart of tyrants

Vote for him, if you will
But it shows you don't care for the poor
And if our nation lacks values
We're rodden to the core

Sunday, October 13, 2024


Closer to Home

Things that bring you closer to home
Things that send you away
Choices  and voices
-- Your decisions and who you listen to --
Both determine your way

You can choose to do right
You can choose to do wrong
It's you who decides
Where it is you belong

You can listen to wisdom
Or send it away
Listening instead to a fool
As he captures your sway

So make the right choices
And listen to the right voices
And a pleasant home is the place
Where you'll come to lay

(Index -- Poems, poetry, ready)*

Saturday, October 12, 2024


The Great False Hope

The Christian Alternative
Donald Trump is portrayed as that
The Last Christian Hope
For Christ he goes to bat

They met in the National Mall
Tens of thousands of  them
They were straight in what they had to say
They didn't haw and hem

"If we don't stand now, the enemy will take over"
That's the message that they had
So side with Trump, or side with all that's bad

Meanwhile, Glenn Beck gave a message
One that was much the same
Judeo Christians must swarm the polls
Or the land will be lost to Satan's game

It just ain't so, it just isn't true
But Trump is portrayed as the Christian Hope
So we pray that voters will see the fraud
And not fall for his dope

The charlatan is sly
And crafty with his words
But turn away the man of deceit
For wickedness must be purged

Friday, October 11, 2024

Fervor and Flame

It takes faith and fearlessness
To achieve much in life
You need passion and pride
And determination to overcome all strife

It takes grit, it takes growth
You must never quit
So make that your oath

It takes a heady steadiness
Yes, a head that won't be bowed
It takes fervor and a flame within
To blow through every cloud

Build your resume, if you will
On the things that bring success
You can achieve most anything
If you will accept no less

Thursday, October 10, 2024

No Regard

You fooled us, Donald
You fooled us
Coming down the pike
You fooled us

All along
We thought you wanted to win
But coming down the pike
It seems you're doing everything you can
To make your chances thin

What's with being so handsy
With Laura Loomer?
You're already married, Donald
So that isn't very good humor

You went to Detroit
To seek its votes
But mocked the city
And your words were caught in quotes

You rambled and rambled
And rambled on
People thought you were crazy
Yeah, they played that song

You referred to Maine's female governor
As a man
Donald, it appears you're doing everything to lose
That you possibly can

People can see through your trade tariff wars
They know prices will rise
How does it make them feel?
Well, it gives them great horrors

You talk of how kids go to school
And come back of a different sex
Oh, Donald, oh, Donald
Are we to believe such a hex?

Your misinformation on hurricane aid
Has endangered the workers
As death threats were made

Alas, Donald, oh Donald
For all your best efforts
And trying so hard
It seems you'll win anyway
For all of your faux pas
Voters will all disregard

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Yet It Be Unborn

The life of a child
Though yet it be unborn
Let it be cherished
Not from its mother torn

The life of a child
Is precious as gold
It belongs in our company
It belongs in our fold

The life of a child
Is a gift from our God
Though it be unborn
He gives it his nod

Waters Rise

The waters rise
The coming taste of a storm
Settles on our lips
America is beset
By hurricanes
And politics

The populace
Doesn't shift
From going to work
And coming home
Then back to work

It is
To the storm


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Harris's Tax Plan Might be Beneficial

   Differing analysts are coming out of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump's tax plans. One report says Harris' plan will add  $3.5 trillion to the national debt in the next decade while Trump's plan would up the debt by $7.5 trillion.

   The take away there is that both plans result in increasing the national debt. One plan might be better than the other, but they are both bad.

   Then along comes a  report from a nonpartisan congressional analysts saying Harris's plan will not generate the revenue hoped for

   Off top, I favor Harris's proposal to place a 25 percent minimum rate on  capital gains of taxpayers with more than $100 million in assets. It does seem it would cut into the debt. But, if it is accompanied by increased spending,  then it might be one step forward only to fall two steps back.

Monday, October 7, 2024

The Land of the Nightmare

The river rises
And great waves shatter against the rocks
Lightening flashes
And thunder rolls through the night

The skies are alive
And the ground below is shaken
Peace has no place in this land of the nightmare

Anciently, they say
This land was kindly
Gently rising hills
Crowned with fields of grain
Apple trees
And clover

Then came the storm
The billowing storm
It rose first in the east
Then swept violently across the land
To the west

It captured every village
Pillaged every town
Destroyed every city

And the word peace
Was known no more


Shattering Waters Below

The swan never flies
Okay, it does
But not overly often
Its wings are satisified
Tucked in
Content upon the waters

I once knew a swan that flew
Rising high into the sky
Then diving down
Deep into the lake

Sometimes I like to be
Like the swan that swims the lake
Satisfied and content

But other times I like to break the norm
And become a storming swan
One that soars into the sky
Then bends its neck to look down
And screaming in a downward dive
It shatters the waters below

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Battle of the Capitol

Call it the Battle of the Capitol
For I won't refer to it simply as an insurrection
For there was a taste of war in this effort to overthrow our election

Perhaps the Americans were outnumbered three to one
I don't know
And when I say "Americans," I mean the real patriots, son

Casualties? 114 were wounded
I think of American soldiers honored for serving this land
Just as honored should be those who fought off the rebel band

Look at the groups who attacked our capitol
Oath Keepers, QAnon
White supremacists and Proud Boys
People who were capable of making more than just a loud noise

Are we as Americans in these years that have past
Are we to forget those who defended our country?
While we let those who attacked us simply run free?

Don't forget the Alamo
And don't forget J6
Honor those who fought for us
When we count our heroes
Make sure they are in the mix

Saturday, October 5, 2024

America Forever

It's all that America is
All that makes it great
You take away its liberty
And you have nothing, mate

It's stood these years and centuries
Through the many wars
A beacon to all others
Swinging open freedom's doors

Bless the land of liberty
Bless it for all time
May it forever carry the torch
And may its bells forever chime

Friday, October 4, 2024


That Ain't Great
What's great about America?
You guessed it -- freedom
So what if Trump just wants to rule a kingdom?

That ain't freedom 
And that ain't great
The loss of freedom
Is all you're trying to coordinate

Don't come around here
Saying you'll make America great again
All you'd do for America
Is throw it in the trash bin


How Vulnerable

America, how vulnerable
America, how sad
Once no chance of a dictator
How could things go bad?

Make America great again?
Great is democracy's cry
But the country careens toward Donald Trump
And away from apple pie

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Not a Different Flag

I was born in a different age
A different time
But not a different space
I was born under the American Flag
The flag of the United States

Never has there been a time like this
Never a challenge as great
Winds of change across our land
And I fear America's fate

I was born in a different age
A different time
But the flag remains the same
And if the flag with all its glory falls
It's we who are to blame

Bombs and Burials

Bombs and burials
One brings the other
One doesn't care
And the other screams for its mother

It wasn't a mother who created the bomb
Mothers know how to love
But it took a lunatic, surely it did
Someone who knew how to hate and shove


I can't see a thing
Bring me some ice cream

This wouldn't have happened to me, you know
If he wouldn't have told me where to go
I should never have listened to Donald Trump
He's just a guy who crawled out of the dump

Following Donald is a foolish thing
For a lot of sorrow is all it will bring
But just think: half of the nation is in love
With a man who will rule them with an iron glove

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

We Need Pay Phones

Alas, no pay phones anymore? There should be, maybe not everywhere like they used to be, but we need a few.

Why? Because sometimes we don't want the person we are calling to know our number. For me, it was  fear of a scammer who seemed to be phishing.


Go to the Left

Go to the left
Before you do to the right
Be wary of the Rs
Some of them are villains
And some drive villain cars

They'd like to pick you up
They would
And take you for a ride
But if you knew better
I'm sure you'd run and hide

The Rs are the dangerous type
In this land of ours
They'd like to give Donald Trump
All these sickly powers

So go to the left
Instead of the right
Avoid a dictator in our land
Your vote can make a difference
In getting rid of theat man

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


They Decided, We Decided

They decided we were liberals
We decided they were not 
They decided they wanted us to sleep outside|
We decided we wanted at  least a cot

They decided we were woke
We decided that was all right
They decided we were ignorant
We decided they were asking for a fight

Politics, politics
Always picking sides
And these are the people 
Who create the 
great divides