In fairness to our immigrants, perhaps we should deport our politicians, as well.
Of course I jest. But still, the same argument we use against the immigrant applies as well to our politicians. We make it so hard for our immigrants to come in legally, that they end up sneaking across the border and coming in illegally.
And, so it is with our politicians. We make it so hard for them to campaign legally, so they end up doing it illegally. I was just out driving around, looking for places to place my campaign signs, and noticing where all the other candidates' signs are.
Almost without exception, as far as the commercial corridors are concerned, they are posted where it appears they shouldn't be. Candidates need the property owner's permission. So, that being too much of a bother, instead they simply post on vacant lots, and in places where the landowner is absent from the site and isn't going to be driving by seeing someone has placed the signs on his property. The fences along canals are favorites spots. Those landowners are not likely to come calling.
Thus, the trick is not to live by the law, but to find the best way to get away without living by the law.
The parallel is almost exact: Immigrants come onto American property without permission, and politicians post their signs on property without permission. The immigrants sneak across in places where nobody will spot them, and the politicians place their signs in places where the landowners won't spot them.
So, since we deport immigrants for no more than not having paperwork, yelling at them for being illegal, and explaining that all we are asking is that they abide by our laws . . . maybe we should do the same with our politicians.
Deport them.
What part of the word "illegal" do they not understand?
Okay, I suppose the punishment needs to fit the crime, so I'll allow maybe we should just deport them off the ballot, instead of kicking them out of the country. But, I warn you, if we do that without any advance warning, we are going to have hardly any candidates to vote on come Tuesday -- and precious few to fill the offices.
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